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Corrrr! Former Neighbours star Jesse Spencer is normally only available fully clothed for our viewing pleasure when we see him each week in House on Channel 10. So you can imagine I got rather excited when I came across this clip. Sexual, much? Much.

I was pretty surprised a couple of months ago to come across aussieBum's own dedicated reality channel, If you haven't already been there you definitely should check it out.

You can practically view their entire video collection in high definition, or as close to HD as you can get on the internet. It's great value! I especially like the "Let the Games Begin" clip in their Premiere section. HILARIOUS! And oh so Australian too... warning there is some nudity but hey it's all fun and games.

I'm gearing up for the weekend here (even though it's two sleeps away) and can't decide what to do with myself! Does anyone know of anything interesting happening in Sydney this weekend?

abFan xx

I would probably be the biggest aussieBum Fan (aBfan in short) in the world! At least, I like to think I am. I own practically every single one of their products and can't get enough of their sexy sexy boys.

Recently I thought to myself, there must be HEAPS of other fans out there who share my passion for everything aussieBum, so why not start a blog dedicated to it? I was lucky enough to come into contact recently with one of the Executives over there, hinted at how much I loved aussieBum (who wouldn't honestly!) and we got talking. Long story short, I talked my way into getting promised some exclusives and never before seen pictures and footage for my blog.

And so aussieBum Fans was born... and the rest they say, is history!

aBfan xx
